Why do I feel like this?
My heart feels crappy just thinking about you
I take a deep breathe again; and hold it a few seconds
If I just breathe everything's gonna be alright, Right?
I think Not, do you hear me?
The pain is so real and i just wanna forget
My heart beats one, two and three times
before i can continue living without you
I did this before; and I can do it again,
but i'm just curious to why i feel this strong ache feeling left in my heart
If i just breathe everything will be okay, Right?
I need to fill this empty feeling of my heart
With Faith, Love, Peace and Joy
and More of Jesus
I can picture your unique voice most of the time
Its like a kick in the tummy;
Knowing and questioning whats running through your Head?
I'm tired of all these thoughts playing back and forth through my head
I want to tell them to stop; but i'm scared.
I cant face the future without you supporting me
and encouraging me along the way
The place that's in my heart beats only for some guy like You
I love you more and everyday
and I wish i could hold your hand and tell me not worry
I know God's got a big plan for my life and You too
but losing you was the most difficult thing Ever!
Even worse then losing my girl best friend a few years ago.
Weird Feelings, Odd feelings
Takes me to think about my life
The way I could myself beautiful on the inside and on the outside
and everyday what if You aren't the ONE
How would life be?
I had a dream one night that I getting married and at the end of the aisle
A blank Face
What does this mean?
Such wierdness.. lol