Cedar Springs Camp
A special in my heart Forever and Ever.. I learned to BE closer to God and met amazing friends each and every year. I cant believe that I am old enough to stop going. How sad, each and every day is a challenge to become the best that I can be. Striving to become a better christian each and every year at camp, I come home either changed or learned something that I can apply to my daily life. This week was AMAZING, challenging, full of emotions, sadness, happiness and making memories. I know that for a fact I am more driven to keep up with spending time with MY JESUS. Even though it was my last week of camp and so many filled memories in a heart shaped box. Friends and laughs that can be kept forever. A friendly smile and warm cheery faces always can brighten a person's day. A special person that I met a year ago at camp will be always be close in my ♥.. You mean the world to me and everyday I find myself caring for you more and more. I don't know why I feel like this, but I am scared to see where life will take me. I'm ready to let my wings go and fly. I know whether or not your in my life for good or not God has a plan for the both of US. Dreading the end of this week hit me the most. Thinking of things that I wanted to say, but couldn't quite make them out without feeling stupid. I held them in, I was afraid of what you might say and if you wold say anything at all. Cedar Springs WILL ALWAYS BE IN MY HEART!!! Best summers of MY LIFE! :D The people and Praising Jesus at camp, not caring what people thinking of you for praising Jesus. This is where ITS AT. i love writing how i feel and getting it all out in the open. I wish I could go back to camp and spend a few more days there. The week went speeding by and I realized a lot of stuff. Being a teenager is tough and when you are able to let everything and go and breathe feels soo good AND at Camp that's what happens.